A Texas Parks and Wildlife Department study provides insights into the demographics and practices of bow anglers in Texas, with implications for managing alligator gar populations.
The survey found that Texas bow anglers tend to be younger and predominantly male compared to the overall angling population.
The average age of bow anglers was 34, versus 43 for all anglers statewide.
A striking 97% of bow anglers surveyed were male.
Average Days Fishing
Bow anglers reported fishing an average of 46 days yearly, mostly in reservoirs rather than rivers. Most bow fishing activity (76%) occurs between March and August.
Most Popular Target Species
Alligator gar emerged as a popular target species, with 63% of respondents listing it among their top three target species.
On average, bow anglers reported harvesting three alligator gar in the previous 12 months, though a small number of anglers harvested 20 or more.
The study found that 57% of bow anglers had harvested at least one alligator gar in the past year.
With an estimated 26,000 bow anglers statewide, this could translate to significant harvest pressure on alligator gar populations.
Daily Bag Limits
Opinions were mixed on the current one-fish-per-day bag limit for alligator gar. While 43% felt it was too restrictive, 57% were neutral or thought it was not restrictive enough.
The researchers note that because alligator gar can take over a decade to reach trophy size, careful management is needed to sustain trophy fisheries. They recommend continued monitoring of bow angler demographics and harvest rates to inform future regulations.
This study represents the first comprehensive survey of bow anglers in Texas and provides valuable baseline data for fisheries managers.
The researchers emphasize the importance of considering this small but dedicated angling group when crafting regulations that may impact participation and fishing license sales.
Here is the link to the full survey: PDF